About this site
Diary blog of ramblings and adventures in collecting and reliving childhood memories.
Just my own little place on the web about my hobby. Stories about selling, repairs, buying and the people behind that. Reporting from the Netherlands, and started collecting again way too late.
Please check my wishlist 🙂
Daily Archives: 27 August 2023
Cat & Korsh
Back when I got my Commodore 64 at the age of fourteen one of the major computer shops in the Netherlands was Cat & Korsh. Most people are familiar with Cat & Korsh since they made the Expert Cartridge. Most … Continue reading
Silicon Disk
A few months back Bram Brooddoos and I found a Dutch marketplace offering of an unknown and quit rare Dutch made ram disk: the Silicon Disk made by Recomput from Rotterdam. The seller was offering two of these units, and … Continue reading