Tag Archives: Final Cartridge

Manuals final cartridge versions

I finally had some time to make some pdf scans of the manuals I have, some can be find on the internet, others are more difficult to find. It is large 300mb file, if you need just one manual, drop … Continue reading

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Final Cartridges

So recap with pictures: V10 Plus (internal version) V20 Superplus (internal version) Can be found in this blog posting, ownership is Bram Brooddoos.   S30 The Special (internal version) Check this blog posting.      The final Cartridge I Black … Continue reading

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Final Cartridge Plus, Superplus and The Special

  Photos can be found in this posting. On the story of all kind of final cartridge versions: I got an internal version a few years back (The Special), including all documentation. A good friend bought two other versions, at … Continue reading

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Epyx Fastload & Cabletronic SVN 273 & VCF 280

Some great (hard to find) additions. First of a boxed Epyx Fastload in decent condition, the original one. Second, from italy, a long sought after Final Cartridge clone from Cabletronik (VCF 280), with manual. Same seller sold me a SVN … Continue reading

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Final II and Final III (Polish clones)

Views: 254

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Some more Final Cartridges

Added these in the last few months. The blue final cartridge does not belong to this Medica Manual. It’s a very early final cartridge, thanks to Bram. Views: 247

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Medica manual fc and fc 3

Looling for these german manuals, anyone? Views: 2779

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Final Cartridge

Traded this cart with Marco. Final Cartridge in a white metallic casing. I got one of the earliest boxed final cartridges and it seems on the box they show a transparant or with FC. We’ll never know for sure of … Continue reading

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Final Cartridge 3 clone

Seems to be a polish company. They also released black box cartridges. Views: 203

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Final Cartridge Special V20 (internal)

Thanks to Bram. This is v20 version, different from the S30 I have. Some internal photo’s and a d64 dump of the eprom. Another difference is an additional DIN connector, i pressume for connecting a printer. This one is not … Continue reading

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