Silicon Disk

A few months back Bram Brooddoos and I found a Dutch marketplace offering of an unknown and quit rare Dutch made ram disk: the Silicon Disk made by Recomput from Rotterdam.  The seller was offering two of these units, and used them back in the day as storage for his BBS. 

After some searching online and in Dutch Commodore magazines I found two articles  about this ram disk.

Commodore Dossier Aktief – Juli 1987 – Silicon Disk Silicon Disk – Commodore Info – jaargang 4 nummer 3 – mei juni 1987

The disk is from 1987 and contains up to 4 x 512kb ram boards. At the max it can hold up 2MB of data, including a back-up battery which could retain the data for over 5 years. The unit was expensive: basic version was 999 guilders, and each 512kb board was 750 guilders. One of the articles mentions that a manual was missing (it was send by mail to all owners afterwards: this manual is indeed missing, so if anybody has one we would love to have at least a copy!). It also didn’t work with the C128, which was fixed later one with a rom update (we still need to test it). After fixing the fuse and replacing batteries both units were up & running.  

Bram dumped the roms and made some photo’s and we made a scan of the two articles. You can download the zip file here.



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One Response to Silicon Disk

  1. Bram says:

    One of the best finds ever. 😃💪

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