Tag Archives: SSI

SSI Gemstone Healer

Complete and working. Thanks to Marvin. Views: 240

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SSI games

Forgot i received these from the uk some time ago Views: 270

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SSI dungeon master assistance vol.1

Well, some wise lessons. 1. Make sure you know what you already have; 2. Stay away from ebay while tipsy I remember a direct ebay sale some months back for, as i was really sure, the missing volume of the … Continue reading

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SSI DragonStrike

    Views: 179

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SSI games: buck rogers

Bought in and delivered from germany. Minor ‘defect’ is the sticker on the box. Costs: 20 euro, shipping excluded. Welkom to my SSI family! Views: 5935

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SSI Games

Expecting another 5 shipping from the US, and another one from the UK. Slowly extending the SSI collection for the Commodore 64. Quit al lot of them are still for sale in the US and offered on ebay..only the shipping … Continue reading

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Strategic Simulation Games (SSI)

  Started collecting SSI games for the C64, incomplete overview and still a long way to go…. Name Year In collection Description 50 Mission Crush 1984 No A turn-based strategy game; simulates the career of the crew of a B-17 bomber during World War II … Continue reading

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And all the rest….

Another working 1541 drive in decent state, except for that box. Never seen this box, so added to the drive collection 🙂 Input 64 magazine, boxes complete with booklet and datasette SSI games added to the collection, RDF 1985, B-24 … Continue reading

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Miscellaneous June and July

Dolphin dos for the Commodore 64   Drive alignment software Assembler 64   One of the first datasettes for the Commodore 64, different logo Test harness for the Commodore 64 Some new books Another SSI Gold box and for the … Continue reading

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