Final Cartridge Special V20 (internal)

Thanks to Bram. This is v20 version, different from the S30 I have. Some internal photo’s and a d64 dump of the eprom. Another difference is an additional DIN connector, i pressume for connecting a printer. This one is not part of my collection, not yet πŸ˜‰

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5 Responses to Final Cartridge Special V20 (internal)

  1. Bram says:

    …”This one is not part of my collection, not yet πŸ˜‰….’

    You are the first in line! πŸ˜€πŸ‘

  2. mario malta says:

    can somebody give a schematic or make hires photos of the pcb please

    • Frank says:

      I’ve already posted some photo’s I got from Richard Lagendijk, and some of the S20 version of Bram. Both posted on the blog (look for all the Final Cartridge category articles). Unless I can get my hands on another S20/S30 I will not desolder my version and preserve it als working in my collection, sorry.

      • Mario Malta says:

        Thank you, i already rebuild a working v10 board with the help of richard. Only need the “Special” manual

    • Frank says:

      Photo’s provided by Bram and Richard are already online in blog articles. Will nog desolder my FC internal, unless I find another one πŸ™‚

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