Some good finds and build projects. First of all Bram managed to get his hands on a 128 with two 1571 drives, both with a Lamm Prospeed ML speedloader. I traded my second MAC64 for one of these. Nice to find one, they are offered on ebay, but pricings over 100 euro..nah.
Second, a very nice project (more information on, the MeGALoDOS. Bram and I both bought one from the developer. Looks promising, this big boy has the following loaders included:
Professional Dos (RAPI DOS)
Dolphin DOS 2.0
Prologic DOS 1.6 (nicht classic)
Speeddos Expert
S-Jiffy DOS
Jiffy DOS,
CBM DOS 2.6 mit Fix-Patches
Turbo Access 2.7
und Turbo Trans 3.4 mit 512kb Ramdisk
And we both bought the Phantom reproduction board (available at corei64 webshop). The original Phantom from Trilogic is pretty hard to get. The best thing is that you can actually connect two drives with the Phantom in series.
Reproduction boards are not cheap, but fun to have and to play around with. Photo’s of the Phantom will follow.
Manual and kernel dumps of the Lamm ProSpeed 128 can be found here.
Both C128 eprom dumps are from a C128 containing the Lamm ProSpeed. The 8kb kernal for the C64 is a split from the original 16kb dump with a hex editor. The C64 kernal in the C128 is a 16kb bin file, always containing the C64 kernal and the basic rom. Basic rom is the first 8kb bank. Again thanks Bram Brooddoos.
The phantom as 8kb c64 kernal for use in the wifi kernal project can be found here.
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