Next to the Trilogic UK version and different Dutch Cat&Korsh versions, now the German release.
Views: 3625
Next to the Trilogic UK version and different Dutch Cat&Korsh versions, now the German release.
Views: 3625
Late Breadbin and early HongKong serial. Number 65 to leave the factory. Fun to have. HB4 and HB5 were later production lines for Commodore, moving production over to Asia.
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Won this one at an ebay auction, although repaired and with a normal “rainbow” added, stil glad to add this one to the collection. Serial number +/- 50.000. Early 326298 Assy…and look at those ram chips 🙂
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Added to the collection are three Sigma casings. Drean licensed the Commodore brand in Argentina, and Sigma did the same for Mexico. Got my hands on the casings for the C16, C64 and C64c, as some rebuild projects. Seems extremely hard to get your hands on complete and boxed versions (i was offered one, price went over the price for a SX or even an Silver).
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Several boxed joysticks i use to have. Some of them are almost new, unused state!
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The complete collection of the 64’er. Probably impossible to get complete nowadays! All diskettes, books and “Sonderheft”. I had a few magazines, sometimes you come across some of them on “Marktplaats”.
This was the magazine in my youth, so much better and more technical than the Dutch magazines. I am very grateful to someone for this. The collection comes from a German collector who got rid of everything. Including a very large collection of books (I believe everything but 15 from Markt & Technik). More than 500 books, the 64’er related books and magazines are now part of my collection!
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Quit some hard to find books added to the collection. GEOS, A Final Chesscard floppy (thanks to Marco), and two Calc result cartridges.
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The Commodore Comal 80 cartride, a Utility Cartridge from 2011 (Sharedata), some eproms, four eprom carts and a 5volt userport AD converter (homebrew?)
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Not boxed, but working. The Ram Expension Units for the Commodore 64 and 128. The 1700 has 128kb, and the 1764 has 256kb. The 1764 needs some de-yellowing, nice project for Sunbrighting.
Still on the look for the 1750 (512kb).
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Thanks to Bram!
Views: 345